Haven’t written in the Blog in a while. Since I last wrote I have created 10 new websites and 10 new apps. Currently waiting for 4 of them to get approved by the Google Play Store. It should be soon. Altogether I have added over 12,000 new songs to the catalogue.
I think it is about time to redirect my efforts back to either the rebuilding of the Stidarri Video Loops website. Or finish building the Secure-IT Knowledge base website. Both which will be major projects. I am not sure where to begin.
As of now I completely fumbled the NDrengheta Clothing line. I originally wanted to release 1 line each month for the last 4 months of the year and that didn’t happen. SO far for this year I have only released 2 lines. I need to check my mail box for some important paper work from amazon to start selling my designs on amazon
Not sure which project I will work on next but I know that it will happen soon. Working 6 days a week leaves me almost no time to work on these projects. I don’t like working on these projects before and after work. When I get into the zone I like to just hammer away and work as hard as I can for as long as I can.
We will have to just wait and see what project I will roll out with next. I know the stidarri site was well decent. There was room for improvement. So now I just have to figure out how I can improve it. Might have to get the video files ready. And there is a lot of video loops to upload which should take a long time to prepare.
